The Sale and Purchase Agreement (SPA) is a comprehensive legal document that contains details and clauses of the property transaction between and buyer and seller.
We carefully look into the agreement, from your eyes.
When Buying a Property
Buying or selling a property is not just a simple transaction, it is a legal transfer of a property from one to another. It is important that SPA is a legally binding contract, once you signed the SPA, it is binding and final and no further negotiations are allowed, it is therefore advisable to engage an experience real estate lawyer to represent you before you sign any letter of offer and pay any upfront deposit because property transaction can be complex and complicated.
Michael Tie & Co has drafted more than 500 Sale and Purchase Agreements transactions as of to date. Our real estate lawyers represented purchasers and/or sellers for the residential, commercial and industrial properties transaction and land transactions as well.
Our Clients Receives
Satisfaction guarantee
Transparent and cost-effective legal service
Instant consultation
One-to-one legal consultation with real estate lawyers